Nomination deadline:
February 9, 2025
Nominations are accepted from renowned scientists as well as from scientific institutes and societies.
In case of questions, please contact:
Nicole Tanzini di Bella
Project Management
030-20 62 29 67
The nomination process for the Ernst Schering Prize 2025 has started
The Schering Stiftung is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the Ernst Schering Prize 2025. This prestigious award recognizes exceptional achievements in basic research across the life sciences. It is designed to support emerging scientists who have completed their doctoral studies and are distinguished by their unique scientific profiles. It carries a prize money of € 50,000.
Nomination Deadline: February 9, 2025
- Eligible for nomination are both individual scientists and collaborative teams worldwide
- who perform biological, medical, or chemical basic research in the field of biomedicine,
- whose pioneering research has in recent years resulted in new and inspiring pathways or led to breakthroughs in
biomedical knowledge, and - who actively participate in relevant debates between science and society, or who have started initiatives to guide
future generations and inspire them to further their career.
A special focus is on nominees actively pursuing their scientific goals for the benefit of society.
Nominations are welcome from established scientists, scientific societies or scientific organizations; self-nominations from individual scientists and teams will also be accepted.
- Ernst Schering Prize nomination form (see below)
- Brief summary of the research for which the nominee is nominated, explaining its significance and the nominee’s special contribution to it (3 pages max.)
- Proof of nominee’s activities to promote young talents and/or foster public debate
- Three standardized letters of recommendation: two from established and highly regarded scientists who are not members of the nominee’s department/institute and one recommendation from a scientist whose work lies outside the research area of the nominee
- CV (tabular form) without photograph and without list of publications (3 pages max.)
- List of ten most important publications
- Copies of the three most important publications central to the proposal
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