Schering Stiftung


Photo: WiD, Christoph Rieken

Photo: WiD, Christoph Rieken

3rd Forum on Science Communication in Mannheim

3rd Forum on Science Communication in Mannheim


November 29 – December 01, 2010


Congress Center Rosengarten
Rosengartenpl. 2
68161 Mannheim

For further information, please visit

If you have any questions or inquiries about the Forum, please contact:
Maria Kolbert
Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH
Charlottenstraße 80 | 10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30-206 22 95-65
Fax: +49 (0)30-206 22 95-15

The Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim hosted the 3rd Forum on Science Communication, which was again supported and co-conceptualized by the Schering Stiftung. With this Forum, Science in Dialogue (Wissenschaft im Dialog; WiD), an initiative of the major German science and research organizations, provides science and research communicators with an overview of current trends and strategies in science communication.

Presenting current trends and initiatives as well as strategies in science communication, the Forum brought together people who are involved in communicating the sciences to an interested public. The Forum was geared towards representatives of science centers, extracurricular science programs (Schülerlabore), universities, research institutes, and science festivals as well as outreach and public relations staff, science journalists, scientists, tutors and teachers. Around 250 participants attended the Forum.

The 3rd Forum on Science Communication was supported by the Association of Sponsors for the Promotion of German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), the Klaus Tschira Foundation, and the Schering Stiftung. The Schering Stiftung was also a member of the program committee.

In plenary lectures, panorama presentations, sessions, and interactive presentations, the 3rd Forum on Science Communication focussed on the following topics:

Twitter, Facebook, Blogs: Opportunities and Limits of the New Media
Social media and the blogosphere are finding their way into science communication. What can the new media do and what opportunities do they offer?

Science Communication in Practice: Evaluation and Quality Assurance
This thematic bloc is trying to find answers to questions regarding the evaluation of science communication projects and institutions: Can we measure the quality of science communication? How can we harness the insights from evaluations for quality improvement or quality assurance?

Science Communication in an Insecure World: How to Communicate to a Critical Public
Science communication sometimes faces target groups who are skeptical or suspicious of science and research. What methods can science communication use to field the questions of an increasingly critical public?

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This Project is realized in cooperation with the following partners:



Contact & social networks

Schering Stiftung

Unter den Linden 32-34
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49.30.20 62 29 62

Opening hours
Project space

Thursday to Monday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday to Sunday: 11 am - 7 pm
free entrance

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