The Schering Stiftung wants to be active in the arts and the sciences in a transparent manner. Against this background, the Foundation Council of the Schering Stiftung, in its spring 2017 meeting, decided to join the Initiative for a Transparent Civil Society of Transparency International Deutschland. We are committed to providing to the public and keeping up to date the following information:
The Schering Stiftung advances science and art (nonprofit purpose as defined by Section 52(2), sentence 1 nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the German Fiscal Code) and has been granted tax exemption from corporate income and business tax from the tax authorities (Finanzamt Berlin Kö I, tax ID 27/641/05148, dated March 3, 2020) for the period from 2019 until 2021.
In its composition, the Foundation Council represents the purposes of the Foundation and currently consists of six of high-level personalities from the fields of culture, science, and business. The Council decides on the allocation of the Foundation’s funds. Its members are appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. A member’s term ends once the member has completed his/her 75th year of age.
The composition of our Foundation Council: Members of the Foundation Council
The Board of Directors consists of up to two natural persons. The members of the Board of Directors are appointed, and recalled, by the Foundation Council. One member of the Board manages the day-to-day business of the Foundation. Board members are appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. A member’s term ends once the member has completed his/her 68th year of age. Currently one person is appointed to the Board of Directors, Dr. Katja Naie. For further information, please see Managing Director.
Our Project Report (please see download area below) contains a brief overview of our programs and grant-making activities during the 2022/23 year. More information on our programs and grant-making activities can also be found at Program.
As of January 2024 the head office of the Schering Stiftung employs 5 salaried staff members (3.6 full-time equivalents). The Foundation also employs project managers, curators and student assistants to work on individual projects as well as art educators within the exhibitions.
Find your contact person under Contact Person.
The Foundation finances its programs through income from the Foundation’s endowment, donations, and other revenue. In keeping with Section 4(2) of the bylaws, the Foundation’s endowment is to be invested gainfully and must be preserved in the long term and undiminished. Over the course of the years, the Foundation has received an endowment of EUR 35 million from Schering AG.
A detailed overview of the development of assets, the income and the allocation of funds is available in the 2022 auditor’s certificate in the download area.
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was appointed auditor for the fiscal year 2022. The auditor conducted the annual audit in accordance with Section 317 et sqq. of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and by taking into account the Guidelines for Proper Auditing (Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Abschlussprüfung) set by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut für Wirtschaftsprüfer). The examination did not raise any objections.
The Schering Stiftung does not have any institutional relationships.
The Schering Stiftung has assigned some of its administrative tasks (especially financial reporting, accounting, and consultancy on tax and foundation law matters) to the Deutsche Stiftungszentrum GmbH, Essen, within the framework of a service contract. The assets are managed by Bayer AG at no charge.
The Schering Stiftung is a member of the following associations/organizations (as of January 2022):
The Foundation is almost exclusively financed by income from the Foundation’s assets. There are no donors who contribute more than 10% to its annual revenues.
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