Schering Stiftung

Advisory Network 

Photo: Matthias Hombauer

Photo: Arne Sattler

Photo: Matthias Hombauer

The Advisory Network of the Schering Stiftung

The Advisory Network consists of former fellows, Project Space artists, and award recipients of the Schering Stiftung.

Launched in April 2019, it aims to offer outstanding international and interdisciplinary scientists and artists a space for professional networking. It thus enables valuable collaborations beyond the actual grant period that strengthen the interdisciplinary aspects and approaches of scientific and artistic work.

We at the Schering Stiftung value our advisors as inspiring interlocutors and important jury members or speakers. They contribute their current research findings from internationally renowned scientific institutions and/or their individual artistic perspectives, and they support us in aligning the program, grants, and awards of the Schering Stiftung with current topics and debates in society, science, and the arts.

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The Advisors 

Wolfram Antonin is Professor of Biochemistry and Chairman of the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology at RWTH Aachen University. His research in the field of cell biology, molecular biology, and membrane biology focusses on mitosis, cell nucleus, and nuclear transport.


Sebastian T. Balbach is Research Group Leader at the Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine - Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the University Hospital Münster. His research in the field of oncology, pediatrics and hematology focusses on epigenetics, cancer stem cells and bone marrow transplants.


Prof. Dr. Alexander Bartelt

Professor of Cardiovascular Immunometabolism at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

Doctoral Fellow 2008-2010, Young Leaders in Science 2012/13, Friedmund Neumann Prize Laureate 2018

Alexander Bartelt is Professor of Cardiovascular Immunometabolism at the Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (IPEK) of Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. His research in the field of biochemistry focusses on fat tissues, inflammation, and proteostasis.


Sina Bartfeld is head of a junior research group at the Centre for Infection Research at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg. Her research in the field of cell-, infection-, and stem cell-biology focusses on organoids, pathogens, and the development of cancer.


Katja Barth is Head of Research Affairs at Kiel University (CAU). Her research in the field of biochemistry, immunology, and interleukins focuses on cell biology, dendritic cells, and allergies.


Caterina Benincasa works as Cultural Producer and Curator and is Co-Founder and Artistic Director of She works in the fields of history and philosophy of science, aesthetics of contemporary art and art-science discourse and collaborations.


Christiane Berger-Schaffitzel is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bristol. Her research in the field of structural biology, molecular biology, and protein biochemistry focusses on ribosome translation, protein quality control, and multi-protein complexes.


Anke Katharina Bergmann is a senior physician and research group leader at the Institute of Human Genetics at Hanover Medical School. Her research in the field of human genetics and haemato-oncogenomics focusses on rare diseases, epigenomics, tumor disposition syndromes, and translational medical genetics.


Jessica Bertrand is Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Her research in the field of developmental biology, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthrosis focusses on cartilage cell differentiation, fibroblast activation, and signalling cascades.


Nadine Biedenkopf is junior research group leader at the Institute of Virology at the Philipps University Marburg. Her research in the field of infection biology and virology focuses on highly pathogenic viruses, filoviruses, Ebola and Marburg virus.


Matthias Bierenstiel is Professor of Chemistry at Cape Breton University. His research in the field of bioinorganic chemistry, drug discovery and antibiotics focusses on synthesis, compound characterization and indigenous knowledge.


Jenny Brockmann

Freelance Artist

Project Space Artist 2016

Jenny Brockmann works as a freelance artist in the field of installation, sculpture, and performance on the themes of uncertainty, irrevisible moment, and entaglement.


Neva Caliskan holds a junior professorship at the Medical Faculty of the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg and heads the research group "Recoding Mechanisms in Infections" at the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research in Würzburg. Her research in the field of protein synthesis, RNA biology, and infection focusses on translation, RNA structure, and viruses.


Holger Cynis is Head of the Molecular Biotechnology Unit at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI) in Halle (Saale). His research in the field of neuroscience, immunology, and animal experiments focusses on drug development, Alzheimer's disease, and inflammatory diseases.


Izabela Czekaj is associated professor at Cracow University of Technology. Her research in the field of katalysis, theoretical modeling and engineering focusses on bio mass, electro chemistry and drug design.


Constantin Czekelius is Professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, where he heads the research group "Asymmetric Synthesis and Catalysis". His research in the field of catalysis, synthesis methodology, and medicinal chemistry focusses on fluorochemistry, stereoselective synthesis, and electrosynthesis.


Anna Daučíková

Freelance Artist

Art Award Laureate 2018

Anna Daučíková is a freelance artist. She works with video art, new media, and performances on politics of body, non-identitarian processuality, and gender multiplicity.


Dr. Dominic Docter

Senior Scientist at Qiagen GmbH

Young Leaders in Science 2016/17

Dominic Docter works as a Senior Scientist at Quiagen GmbH. His research in the field of molecular biology, nanotechnology, and biomedicine focusses on nanobiomedicine, protein biology, and in vitro diagnostics.


Dr. Matthias Drosten studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum and completed his doctorate in 2003 at the Institute of Molecular Biology at Essen University Hospital under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Brigitte Pützer. He then moved to the Spanish Cancer Research Center (CNIO) in Madrid, where he initially worked as a postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Mariano Barbacid and later as a permanent researcher. In 2021, he then moved as a research group leader at the Cancer Research Center in Salamanca, Spain. Dr. Drosten's research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of RAS oncogenes in lung cancer.


Kerstin Ergenzinger

Freelance Artist

Project Space Artist 2014

Kerstin Ergenzinger is a freelance artist. She works with new media, installations and sound art on kinetics, materiality and drawings.


Katja Ferenz is a junior professor at the Institute of Physiology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Her research in the field of organ regeneration, hypoxia research, and blood substitutes focusses on nanoparticles, artificial oxygen carriers, and perfluorocarbons.


Dr. Cecilia G. Flocco

Leibniz Institut DSMZ

Young Leaders in Science 2008

Cecilia G. Flocco is an international scientist and consultant, currently working at the Leibniz Institute DSMZ- German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH in Braunschweig. She is founder and director of AKF Global LLC, Science, Technology and Innovation Consulting Services, based in USA. Her projects encompass the field of biotechnology, bioengineering and environmental management, with a focus on bioresources, sustainability and applied microbiology, as well as environmental and technology policy and international cooperation and development.


Dr. Ayelén González Montoro

Junior Group Leader at the University of Osnabrück

Boost - Young Investigator Fund for Innovative Research Ideas 2018

Ayelén González Montoro is Junior Group Leader at the Department of Biology/Chemistry of the University of Osnabrück. Her research in the field of cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics focusses on organelles, membranes, and intracellular transport.


Jens Gruber is group leader of the department of medical RNA biology at the German Primate Center. His research in the field of molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry focusses on cell and gene therapy, drug delivery and optogenetics.


Caroline Haas is a patent attorney at Vossius & Partner. She works in the fields of biotechnology, immunology and life science on German and European patent law.


Andrea Haegebarth is Vice President and Head of R&D External Pipeline at Bayer AG Pharmaceuticals. Her research focusses on pharmacology and oncology.


Silke Härteis is Professor of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy at the University of Regensburg. Her research in the field of anatomy and physiology focusses on ion channels and polycystic kidney diseases.


Ilana Halperin

Freelance Artist

Project Space Artist 2012

Ilana Halperin is a freelance artist. She works in interdisciplinary art with sculptures, drawings and performances on geology, narrative, deep time and the anthropocene.


Quirin Hammer is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Karolinska Institutet Sweden. His research in the field of immunology, oncology, and clinical translation focusses on immunotherapy, cell therapy, and the innate immune system.


Franz-Ulrich Hartl is Director of the Department of Cellular Biochemistry at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. His research in the field of protein function, neurodegeneration, and ageing processes focusses on protein folding, stress proteins, and molecular chaperones.


Laura Hartmann is Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Institute Institute of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Her research in the field of polymer synthesis, sequence-controlled polymers, and biomimetics focusses on glycomimetics, solid phase polymer synthesis, and biofunctionalization.


Lukas Helbich is a doctoral student at the interdisciplinary International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture and the International PhD Programme Literary and Cultural Studies Gießen. His research in the field of cultural and knowledge history as well as cultural theory focusses on economic history, the history of economics sciences, and social theory.


Mohamed G. Ibrahim is Medical director of the Fertility Center "Team Kinderwunsch Oldenburg" and Consultant of Gynecology and reproductive medicine. His research in the field of gynekology and infertility focusses on endometriosis, gynecological endocrinology and fertility treatments.


Melanie Jacob is a project manager at Chiracon GmbH, Luckenwalde. Her work as a project coordinator focuses on drug synthesis: active pharmaceutical ingredients (small molecules) as clinical trial samples, generics, new entities and analytical standards.


Astrid Junker is head of the research group Acclimation Dynamics and Phenotyping at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK). Her reseach in the field of plant sciences, systems biology, and bioinformatics focusses on plant phenotyping, acclimation dynamics, and environmental simulation.


Ulf Kahlert heads the Department of Preclinical Research in Neurosurgery at the University Hospital Düsseldorf. His research in oncology, stem cells, and imaging focusses on personalized therapy, stain-free, minimally invasive imaging, and synthetic biology for disease modelling.


Florian Kahles is head of a research group and physician at the University Hospital of the RWTH Aachen. His research in the field of immunology, cardiology and diabetology is focusses on enetrohormones, atherosclerosis such as coronary and cardiac insufficiency.


Annika Kengelbach-Weigand heads a Research Group at the Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery of the University Hospital Erlangen. Her research in the field of regenerative medicine, cell biology, and oncology focusses on biofabrication, stem cells, and breast carcinomas.


Sascha Ketelhut is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sports Science at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. His research in the field of cardiology, sports medicine, and training science focusses on haemodynamics, prevention, and health promotion.


Sarah Kim-Hellmuth is clinical geneticist and research group leader at the Institute of Translational Genomics at the Helmholtz Munich and the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital of the University of Munich (LMU). Her research in the field of human genetics and immunology focusses on complex genetics and functional genomics.


Frank Kirchhoff heads the Institute of Molecular Virology of Ulm University Medical Center. His resaerch in the field of AIDS, innate immunity, and bioactive peptides focusses on restriction factors, viral antagonists, and evolutionary biology.


Julian Klein is director of !KF - Institute for Artistic Research Berlin. His research in the field of acting, music theatre, and composition focusses on neuroesthetics and emotionology.


André Kleinridders is Professor of Molecular and Experimental Nutritional Medicine at the Institute of Nutritional Science at the University of Potsdam. His research in the field of neuroendocrinology, diabetes research and genetics focusses on insulin effects, metabolic studies and emotional behaviour.


Johannes Köster heads the research group "Algorithms for reproducible bioinformatics" at the Institute of Human Genetics of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Duisburg-Essen. His research in the field of bioinformatics, data analysis, and statistics focusses on reproducibility and sequence analysis.


Fiorella Lavado is artist and director of Artefact Workshops LTD. She works with illustration, installation and multi-media in the field of communication, web design and interdisciplinary collaboration.


Christina M. Lill ist Heisenberg Professor of Translational Epidemiology at the University of Münster and Lecturer at the Imperial College London. She conducts research in genetics, epidemiology and applied statistics on complex genetics, neuro- and human genetics.


Ines Liszko

Deutschlandstipendiatin 2013/14

Simone Mader is Instructor at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology of the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Her research in the field of neuroimmunology and experimental neurology focusses on neurological autoimmune diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis and autoantibodies.


Gregor Majdic is Professor of Physiology at the Veterinary School of the University of Ljubljana and at the Medical School of the University of Maribor. His research in the field of neurosciences, behavioral sciences, and regenerative medicine focusses on brain sex differentiation, stress and brain, and regenerative treatments.


Moritz Malischewski is Junior Research Group Leader at Freie Universität Berlin. His research in the field of fluorochemistry, coordination chemistry, and organometallic chemistry focusses on strong oxidizing agents, superacids, and metallocenes.


Ari Benjamin Meyers

Composer and artist

Project Space Artist 2020

Ari Benjamin Meyers is a composer and artist. His exhibitions, performances, and compositions involve social practice, the critique of institutions, and the interstitial.


Paz Moreno-Murciano works as researcher at Igenomix. Her research in the field of neuroscience, biomedical optics, and biophotonics focusses on Parkinson's disease, cell biology, and non-invasive techniques.


Jan Mumme ist Co-Founder und CEO von Carbogenics Ltd, einem Spin-Out der Universität Edinburgh. Er forscht in den Bereichen nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Biomassekonversion und Dekarbonisierung zu Biogas, Biokohle und Pyrolyse.


Carl Fridrich Nising is Head of Process R&D Pharmaceuticals at the Bayer AG. His research in the field of medical chemistry, crop protection, and data science focusses on drug development, synthesis chemistry, and open innovation.


Manon Parent

Dancer and Violinist

Project Space Artist 2020

Manon Parent is a violinist and dancer. In her performances, choreographies, and compositions she thematizes the interplay between art mediums, the notions of porosity and empathy in the context of a performance as well as in the creation process, and the potential socio-political changes it may induce.


Mathias Pawlak is Associate Director / Principal Scientist at BlueRock Therapeutics (Cambridge, MA). As a stem cell biologist and immunologist, he develops therapies that take advantage of the key technologies CRISPR/Cas and iPS cells for cell therapies.


Florian Plattner is an Assistant Professor investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying cognitive functions and their role in neurodegenerative diseases. His research program focuses on the pathogenic processes associated with Alzheimer's disease in the earliest disease stages using innovative cell-type-specific research tools and techniques.


Ehmke Pohl is Associate Professor at the department of Chemistry at Durham University. His research in the field of structural biology, infectious diseases and biological chemistry focusses on method development, drug design and characterization.


Lilly Pyras is a Student at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research in the field of astroparticle physics focusses on Cosmic Rays and the radion detection of neutrinos. In the Art and Visual History she is interested in scientific and technical images.


Evelina Rajca is an artist and doctoral student at the Bauhaus University Weimar. She works with multisensory installations, multisensory experiments, and performance in the field of chrono- and biopolitics, time and space structuring processes, and resilience research.


Bernhard Renard is Professor of Data Analytics and Computational Statistics at the Hasso Plattner Institute of the University of Potsdam and senior lecturer at the department of mathematics and computer science at Freie Universität Berlin. His research in the field of bioinformatics, statistics and infection research focusses on omics bioinformatics, metagenomic and molecular surveillance.


Cornelia Renz

Freelance Artist

Fine Arts Award 2005

Cornelia Renz is a freelancing artist. She works with drawings, paintings and graphic art to thematize the deconstruction of widespread models, the image of women in art and the foundations of moral self-understanding.


Hannes Rickli is a freelance Artist and Professor at the department of contemporary art at Zurich University of the Arts. His research in the field of artistic research, media art and sound art focusses on media ecology and scientific research.



Michael Rieger is professor and Head of Research of Hematology and Oncology at Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt. His research in the field of hematology, stem cell research and oncology focusses on stem cells, leukemia and blood regeneration.


Yvonne Roeb

Freelance Artist

Project Space Artist 2016

Yvonne Roeb is a freelance artist in Berlin. She works with the artistic practices of modelling, mould making, object patination, and spatial installations in sculpture, installation, and drawing.


Michael Sammeth is Professor at the Instituto de Biofisicia Carlos Chagas Filho of the Federal University Rio de Janeiro. His research in the field of genomics, genetics, and transcriptomics focusses on alternative splicing, sequencing, and algorithms.


Johannes Scherr is Head Physician and Director at the University Centre for Prevention and Sports Medicine of Balgrist University Hospital. His work focusses on internal medicine, sports medicine and cardiology.


Denis Schewe is senior physician and working group leader at the Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at the Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein on Kiel campus. His research in the field of oncology, haematology and paediatrics focusses on oncology, haematology and paediatrics on leukaemia, immunotherapy and tumour-stroma interaction.



Otavio Schipper

Freelance Artist

Project Space Artist 2015

Otavio Shipper works as a freelance artist through sound art, installation and sculpture on the history of science, physics and neuroscience.


M.A. Armin Schneider

Deutschlandstipendiat 2016/17

Gisbert Schneider is Professor of Computer-Assisted Drug Design at ETH Zurich. His research in the field of bioinformatics, drug discovery and artificial intelligence focusses on molecular design, medicinal chemistry and machine learning.


Martina Schrallhammer is junior professor at the institute of biology II at University of Freiburg. Her research in the field of microbiology, microbial ecology and molecular biology focusses on host-parasite interaction, symbiosis and intracellular bacteria.


Rahel Schrohe is a doctoral student at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research in the field of modern and contemporary art, 19th, 20th and 21st century painting, and currently on the work of the Berlin painter Dora Hitz. Before that she worked as assistant curator and project manager at the Fondation Beyeler and supervised exhibitions on Rudolf Stingel, Roni Horn and Wolfgang Tillmans. Her master thesis was dedicated to the images of the Hubble Space Telescope.


Peter Schüler is production manager at Lipoid GmbH. His research in the field of natural substance synthesis, medical chemistry and lecithins focusses on natural substance synthesis, production and hit-to-lead optimisation.


Dominik Schumacher is group leader of the department of Tubulis Technologies/BioSysM at the Faculty of Biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. His research in the field of chemical biology, enzymatic catalysis and oncology focusses on targeted therapy, drug development and cellular uptake of molecules.


Manouchehr Shamsrizi is co-founder of the at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research focusses on theories of justice, theories of the knowledge society, and the cultural technique of playing.


Stefan Siegmund is director of the center for dynamics at Technische Universität Dresden. His research in the field of dynamic systems, differential equations and control theories focusses on models with memory, stability and control.


Konstantin Sparrer is Junior Research Group Leader at the Institute of Molecular Virology at Ulm University. His research in the field of immunology, virology and molecular biology focusses on innate immunity, autophagy and RNA viruses.


Tobias Stauber is Professor for Biochemistry at the Department Human Medicine of the MSH Medical School Hamburg - University of Applied Sciences and Medical University. His research in the field of cell biology and molecular physiology focusses on ion transport and signal transduction.


Tilman Stephani is a doctoral student in the research group "Neural Interactions and Dynamics" at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in Leipzig. His research in the field of cognitive neuroscience focusses on the variability of perceptual processes and their neuronal implementation.


Alexander Titz is junior professor and group leader of the research group Chemical Biology of Carbohydrates at Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland. His research in the field of medicinal chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry and glycobiology focusses on bacterial biofilms, antidefectives and lectins.


Dr. Marek Tyl

CEO at Innovation Forum

Shortterm Fellowship for young scientists from Poland 2007

Marek Tyl is CEO am Innovation Forum. His research in the field of epigenetics, chromatin and chaperones focusses on enzymes, methylation and remodeling.


Nina Henriette Uhlenhaut is Professor for Metabolic Programming at the School of Life Sciences of the Technical Unversity of Munich. Her research in the field of endocrinology, gene regulation, and metabolism focusses on physiology, genomics, and genetics.


Christoph Vahl is director and head of search and evaluation at the department of Immuno-Oncolog at Merck KGaA. His research in the field of immunology, oncology and drug development focusses on treg cells, cell biology and cancer immunotherapy.


Paul Vanouse is Professor of Art at University at Buffalo. His research in the field of art and science, biomedia and installation focusses on the interdisciplinary connection between art and science, and media art.


Manuel van Gemmeren is Junior Research Group Leader at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. He conducts research in the field of C-H activation, synthesis methods and catalysis.


Martin Walter is Director of the Departement of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of Jena University Medical Center.


Prof. Dr. Hermann A. Wegner

Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University, Giessen

Postdoctoral Fellow 2004-2006, Young Leaders in Science 2008/09, Chemistry in Art/ Art in Chemistry 2016-2017

Hermann A. Wegner is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. His research in the field of organic materials, physical-organic chemistry and catalysis focusses on molecular switches, aromatics chemistry and organic boron/nitrogen compounds.


Dominic Winter is Head of a Research Group, the WinterLab, at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. His research in the field of mass spectrometry and cell biology focusses on proteomics, protein quantification, and modification analysis.


Frederik Wurm is Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Private Lecturer at the Department of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry of Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz. His research in the field of polymers and materials science focusses on biodegradable polymers, phosphorus chemistry, and nanomaterials.


Kai Zhang is research group leader of the department of physical chemistry for polymers at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. His research in the field of catalysis, polymers and energy materials focusses on photocatalysis, porous polymers and organic semiconductors.



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Schering Stiftung

Unter den Linden 32-34
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49.30.20 62 29 62

Opening hours
Project space

Thursday to Monday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday to Sunday: 11 am - 7 pm
free entrance

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