Schering Stiftung

Life Sciences 

Petra and Gisbert Schneider with a 3D model of a protein for which potential active ingredients were designed with the aid of artificial intelligence. The researcher couple has been working together for over thirty years on the development and practical application of innovative computer methods for pharmaceutical research.

Petra and Gisbert Schneider with a 3D model of a protein for which potential active ingredients were designed with the aid of artificial intelligence. The researcher couple has been working together for over thirty years on the development and practical application of innovative computer methods for pharmaceutical research.
Photo: Daniel Winkler / ETH Zurich

Öffentlicher Vortrag „Körperliches Ich-Bewusstsein: Von außerkörperlichen Erfahrungen zu Neuroprothesen“
Prof. Dr. Olaf Blanke
Direktor des Zentrums für Neuroprothetik und des Labors für kognitive Neurowissenschaften an der Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) sowie Professor im Fachbereich Neurologie der Universität Genf 
Freitag, 18. März 2016, 18:30 Uhr
Tieranatomisches Theater der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Campus Nord, Philippstr. 12/13, Haus 3, 10115 Berlin

Öffentlicher Vortrag „Körperliches Ich-Bewusstsein: Von außerkörperlichen Erfahrungen zu Neuroprothesen“ Prof. Dr. Olaf Blanke Direktor des Zentrums für Neuroprothetik und des Labors für kognitive Neurowissenschaften an der Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) sowie Professor im Fachbereich Neurologie der Universität Genf Freitag, 18. März 2016, 18:30 Uhr Tieranatomisches Theater der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Campus Nord, Philippstr. 12/13, Haus 3, 10115 Berlin
Photo: Julia Zimmermann

Ernst Schering Prize 2020 & Friedmund Neumann Prize 2020 on 30/09/2020 at Komische Oper Berlin. Award ceremony in honor of Jens Brüning and Florian Kahles.

Ernst Schering Prize 2020 & Friedmund Neumann Prize 2020 on 30/09/2020 at Komische Oper Berlin. Award ceremony in honor of Jens Brüning and Florian Kahles.
Photo: Julia Zimmermann

Cramers lab at MPI Göttingen

Cramers lab at MPI Göttingen
Photo: MPIbpc

Programs in the Life Sciences

The Schering Stiftung concentrates its funding activities in the scientific field on the life sciences. It awards outstanding achievements with the Ernst Schering Prize and the Young Investigator Award, formerly known as the Friedmund Neumann Prize. These awards honor scientists who set new benchmarks with their research and support young researchers.

Details on application procedures, deadlines, and required documents can be found in the descriptions of the individual funding programs. Additionally, the Schering Foundation organizes scientific symposia, lecture series on specific topics, as well as panel discussions and forums that promote the exchange between science and society.

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Young Investigator Award

— Series

Science prize in the life sciences in the field of basic research by young scientists

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Ernst Schering Prize

— Series

The renowned award is given annually to scientist for pioneering basic research in biology, medicine and chemistry.

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The Schering Stiftung organizes and sponsors scientific symposia and lecture series on selected science topics as well as panel discussions, lectures and forums.

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The Schering Stiftung supports scientific symposia and lecture series on selected science topics as well as panel discussions, lectures and forums that promote the dialogue between science and society.

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Contact & social networks

Schering Stiftung

Unter den Linden 32-34
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49.30.20 62 29 62

Opening hours
Project space

Thursday to Monday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday to Sunday: 11 am - 7 pm
free entrance

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