16.09.2021, 18–20 Uhr
Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
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A lecture by Prof. Hannah Landecker followed by a discussion with Susanne M. WinterlingA lecture by Prof. Hannah Landecker followed by a discussion with Susanne M. WinterlingMuch scientific and technological effort was applied in the twentieth century to understanding metabolism, a conceptual domain that encompassed the use of food for energy and building blocks, the processing of oxygen in the service of organismal respiration, and the containment and excretion of biologically hazardous toxicants that reached cells. Metabolism was also a target of engineering and improvement, producing nutrients and chemicals at new scales across many kinds of microbes, plants, and animals. Today we occupy a biochemical landscape that is the legacy of this era: we arrive in the course of this story in a time when Nature is no longer something outside of reason, ready to be assessed by and subjugated to it. Rather, the aftermath of previous forms of scientific and technical reason are written into our cells, with perhaps unexpected effects on the ability to say that bodies live “in” environments, and posing the question of whether we have an adequate vocabulary for insides and outsides in a time of anthropogenic biology.
This talk draws on ethnographic and historical work in the biosciences, using examples such as the “leaky gut” and dysbiologies linked to shift work to think through what is happening to the various membranes, compartments, boundaries, sequences, and other arrangements of space and time that characterize metabolic processes, after industrialization. Working through these examples helps map out a larger picture of the ways in which material relations between social and biological organization are shifting in the Anthropocene.
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt. Im Anschluss an Hannah Landeckers Vortrag wird es ein Gespräch zwischen ihr und der Künstlerin Susanne M. Winterling geben.
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Platz reservierenDer Vortragsabend ist eine Kooperation mit dem Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin und Teil der Berlin Art Week 2021.
Unter den Linden 32-34
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49.30.20 62 29 62
Email: info@scheringstiftung.de
Donnerstag bis Freitag: 13-19 Uhr
Samstag und Sonntag: 11-19 Uhr
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