Schering Stiftung


Salon at the Komische Oper Berlin

Salon at the Komische Oper Berlin
Photo: Jan Windszus Photography

Communism – Salon about a Social Utopia

Salon at the Komische Oper Berlin
Photo: Jan Windszus Photography

Communism – Salon about a Social Utopia


June 07, 2021, 7:30–9 p.m.


Komische Oper Berlin
Behrenstr. 55-57, 10117 Berlin

Digital Salon on Zoom, access via this link

Are we humans even made for communism? Or aren’t we rather interested in competition, true to Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”? After the realpolitik failure of the communist party dictatorships of the 20th century and the fall of the Iron Curtain, the success story of capitalism and the triumph of neoliberalism in all walks of life seem unstoppable. But there is increasing skepticism whether this really is a “success story.”

The time seems to have come to again seriously engage with the ideas of communism. Could the concepts developed by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and other philosophers perhaps help us achieve more societal equality and break down differences and hierarchies of class, race, and gender? To what extent could the collectivization of property help narrow the growing gap between rich and poor? What forms are conceivable? And where does the idea of equality begin to curtail individual liberty?

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Communism – Salon about a Social Utopia

Digital Salon of Komische Oper Berlin and Schering Stiftung

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The speakers 

Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi

Professor for Practical Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, and Social Philosophy

Rahel Jaeggi (*1966) is Professor of Practical Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin. As a visiting professor, she has taught at Yale University, Fudan University in Shanghai, New School for Social Research in New York, and was a fellow at the Institute for Advance Studies at Princeton University. The subject of her research includes the concepts of alienation, commodification or reification, ideology, form of life, institution, and solidarity. Jaeggi is considered a representative of contemporary critical theory. She has been director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change in Berlin since 2018.

Dr. Sabine Nuss

Managing director of the Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin

Sabine Nuss was born in the Black Forest, worked as a trainee journalist for the Axel Springer Verlag Hamburg, and today is managing director of the Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin, which publishes the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Rosa Luxemburg. She wrote her dissertation on property issues in a digital world and is a contributor to several newspapers. Her most recent book is entitled Keine Enteignung ist auch keine Lösung: Die große Wiederaneignung und das vergiftete Versprechen des Privateigentums. She is active on Twitter, and her online home can be found at


This Project is realized in cooperation with the following partners:

Komische Oper Berlin

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Contact & social networks

Schering Stiftung

Unter den Linden 32-34
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49.30.20 62 29 62

Opening hours
Project space

Thursday to Monday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday to Sunday: 11 am - 7 pm
free entrance

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